When will my order arrive ?
It depends on where your item is being shipped to. We estimate delivery to most places in Australia between 5 and 10 business days but it can take up to 15 business days to more remote areas.
You can view more information on our shipping timeframes page, here.
When an item is shipped you receive tracking and if you follow the couriers tracking website you will receive a more accurate delivery estimate.
How are shipping costs calculated ?
Alicia Pickert Studio offers free shipping Australia-wide.
How do I track my delivery ?
Once your items have shipped out you will get an email notification of your tracking number. This tracking number will be linked to the carrier tracking website and if you click on it, it will allow you to track the status of your order. In some cases, tracking updates could take 24-48 hours to update accurately. Alternatively, you can always contact the courier directly and quote your tracking number and they will be able to give you more accurate tracking information.
Can I commission a custom piece of art ?
Alicia Pickert Studio welcomes custom commissions. Please visit the Commissions page for more information on how to request a personalised work.
Can I visit Alicia Pickert Studio in person ?
Studio Viewings
Alicia Pickert Studio and gallery visits are available by appointment. Contact us to inquire about scheduling a visit.
Staying Updated
How can I stay updated on Alicia Pickert Studio's latest work ?
To stay in the loop, subscribe to our newsletter and follow Alicia Pickert Studio on social media platforms.
Is Alicia Pickert available for interviews, collaborations or art related projects ?
Alicia Pickert is open to collaborations and art-related projects. For inquiries or to request an interview, please use our contact form.